Friday, October 12, 2007

glove full of thistle

I'm going upstate this weekend to visit the house. Who knows what I'll find since we haven't been up in a while. The mice and other critters tend to take over; they really own the place, we just visit from time to time! My first winter was the most challenging, those darn mice ate just about everything from the dry pasta to the olive oil. I guess they like Italian food just as much as I do.

Enjoy this beautiful fall weather that has finally arrived here in the city. I'm sure there is 12 feet of snow already on my doorstep upstate! eek!

1 comment:

Ylva Rouse said...

Enjoyyyyy! It probably is gorgeous up there. This morning in Prospect Park I got a beautiful leaf bouquet: a red, a deeper red, an orange, a yellow, an orangeyellow and a greenred leaf, all from the same tree. Fall is finally here!